Dr. D.J. Condon, School Director
International School of Luxembourg (ISL)
The International School of Luxembourg (ISL) engaged Jon Hansen of Global School Operations to perform a schoolwide strategic review of Board policy and administrative regulations. The goal was to assess quality, efficacy, and readiness to meet the dynamics of today's international school environment.
During his time with us, Jon was both methodical and highly efficient in his approach. He was very attentive to all ISL standards and protocols and engaged with key Board and leadership team members in a highly effective, collaborative manner. He provided a safe space for candid feedback and leveraged his many years of both corporate and school leadership and policy and regulation design to both review the material we gave him, but also bring unique and critical insights and additional dimensions to how we may evolve the structure and quality of our critical documentation (and by extension, our operational foundation). Much of this centered on topical rationalization and providing a focused and clear balance between the strategic and the operational.
His deep research yielded both a detailed report that communicated the current efficacy of each pillar of the school as well as the opportunities to strengthen ourselves for flexibility and communicate these critical policies/protocols in a much clearer and more targeted way. The prioritised matrix that also accompanied the more detailed readout will now effectively serve us as a clear and actionable roadmap to our next level of phased evolution and communication.
Critically, ISL's Board Governance Committee partners for this initiative - who each have significant legal, strategic, and operational careers/experience (including policy writing) - all agreed that the expertise offered by Jon/GSO was from a place of deep understanding of schools and overall policy and has served us extremely well.
We are excited to already re-engage and partner with GSO/Jon on future critical projects, confident that we have a terrific thought partner with high EQ who will help us secure and grow the foundations that propel ISL's learning. I am also regularly in touch with Jon whenever I have a topic or initiative and can use solid, original, and objective advice. which is a sign of how much we trust Jon's diverse experience and skills. I highly recommend any school interested in upgrading their operations (and guiding strategy) to contact and consider working with GSO.
D.J. Condon, PhD
ISL School Director